Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grape Vines

I was so happy to see I had grapes hidden under my vine.  For years I have planted grape vines but never had any bunches of grapes.  I believe the secret to getting grapes is all in the pruning.  I never prune my vine because the deer do it for me!  

I found this website that seems to have a lot of information if you are interested in planting a grape vine. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, September 10, 2012


 Chrysanthemums are a beautiful reminder that fall is near.  These daisy-like perennials were first cultivated in China as an herb as early as the 15th century BC.  Thousand of years later the flower was introduced to Japan. They celebrate the mums at "The Festival of Happiness".

Over 200 species are hardy in the northern hemisphere.
Chrysanthemums can add lovely color to flower beds or pots.
Yellow or white mums are used to make tea in some parts of Asia.  Rice wine flavored with these flowers is made in Korea. 
Mums also have an insect repellent effect. They are harmful to fish but less toxic to mammals and birds.  Who knew?

And the most interesting fact I found- Chrysanthemums have been shown to reduce indoor air pollution by NASA!

I hope you can find "Happiness" in chrysanthemums this season!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tomatillo Lime Dressing

While at my local farmer's market I bought tomatillos. I have been wanting to make this dressing and I finally found fresh tomatillos.  I really had no idea what they were used for.  Tomatillos originated in Mexico.  They are used for making green sauces because of their high pectin content.  After peeling the inedible 'husk' and cutting into a tomatillo it really just looks like a green tomato.   
I had a coffee creamer container so I peeled the label off and used it for the dressing.
For this amazing dressing you will need-
1 cup mayo
1 cup milk
1/2 cup cilantro
2 or 3 jalapeƱos
1 packet ranch dressing mix
2 large tomatillos
Put all ingredients into blender.

You'll never want plain ranch dressing again!